Author Archives: Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Costa Rica Wildlife Tour

Kinkajous are nocturnal animals that spend most of their time alone, but can be social in some ways. They are known for their high-pitched sounds, which include squeaks, hisses, barks, and screams.

Google Reviews and Photos from our visitors.

🌿🐾 **¡Protejamos juntos al Caucel! 🐾🌿

El Caucel es una joya de nuestra fauna costarricense 🦝✨, pero necesita de todos para asegurar su supervivencia 🌍💚. Desde Fauna de Costa Rica y Proyecto Asis, seguimos comprometidos con esta hermosa misión ambiental 🌳🤝.
🙌 ¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
🌟 Infórmate: Aprende sobre su hábitat y amenazas.
🌟 Respeta la naturaleza: Evita prácticas que dañen su entorno.
🌟 Únete al cambio: Apoya proyectos de conservación.

Google Reviews and Photos from our visitors.

Protección y conservación de nuestro medio ambiente

Orgullosamente somos parte de un grupo de empresas locales, líderes en la protección y conservación de nuestro medio ambiente, así como fieles creyentes que a través de la educación ambiental, podemos garantizar un mejor futuro para todos 💚🌎

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis

Google Reviews

Yellow-throated toucan brought to the Sanctuary by locals

Bird mites are tiny, blood-sucking parasites that irritate and weaken birds. We want to show you what it looks like.
We gave it a medical checkup, and it had many tiny mites on its feathers.

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis

Google Reviews

Injured Yellow-eared Toucan

Together, we can do better things for the wildlife! 🙏💚

“At SkyAdventures we truly care about the well-being of wildlife. As part of our conservation efforts, we helped a yellow-eared toucan that had been injured in an accident. 🌿.✨

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis

Google Reviews

Social Responsibility Programs

Would you like to be part of our Volunteer Programs for Groups? We are happy to contribute to your Social Responsibility Programs! 💚

Google Reviews

¡Obtuvimos el Galardón de Bandera Azul en la Categoría de Bienestar Animal! 🥳

Es tiempo de compartir una excelente noticia con Uds: ¡Obtuvimos el Galardón de Bandera Azul en la Categoría de Bienestar Animal! 🥳
Gracias a cada uno de Uds. que apoya la misión de nuestro Santuario 🙏🏻

It’s time to share excellent news with you: We obtained the Blue Flag Award in the Animal Welfare Category! 🥳
Thanks to each and every one of you, who supports the mission of our Sanctuary 🙏🏻

Sloth Tour La Fortuna

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis

2024 Emergency Brigade Championship

Un honor ser parte un año más del Campeonato de Brigadas de Emergencias 2024 🤩
Competir contra otras brigadas nos anima siempre a mejorar, pero este año nos llenó de alegría poder colaborar en la noble causa: Conseguir el apoyo económico para Jeffrey Varela para poder comprar sus prótesis.
Gracias a nuestros compañeros:
✔️Carlos Barrantes @carlosb_cr
✔️Johnny Montiel @monti_guide_cr
✔️Bradley González @bradley_lez
✔️Keilyn Bustos @k_bogarin_
✔️Jessica Zamora @zamorablanco
✔️Ana Pérez
✔️Walter Campos
✔️Tranquilino Rojas
✔️Gonzalo Castillo
✔️Wilmer Ampié
✔️Líder: Adriana Aguilar @lyberiana
Nuestra más sincera felicitación para los Tri-Campeones @misticopark por el excelente desempeño obtenido 💪🏻

It is an honor to be part of the 2024 Emergency Brigade Championship one more year 🤩
Competing against other brigades always encourages us to improve, but this year we were delighted to be able to collaborate in the noble cause: Obtaining financial support for Jeffrey Varela to be able to buy his prostheses.
Thanks to our teammates:
✔️Carlos Barrantes @carlosb_cr
✔️Johnny Montiel @monti_guide_cr
✔️Bradley González @bradley_lez
✔️Keilyn Bustos @k_bogarin_
✔️Jessica Zamora @zamorablanco
✔️Ana Pérez
✔️Walter Campos
✔️Tranquilino Rojas
✔️Gonzalo Castillo
✔️Wilmer Ampié
✔️Leader: Adriana Aguilar @lyberiana
Our most sincere congratulations to the three-time Champions @misticopark for their excellent performance 💪🏻

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis

Asis Wildlife Sanctuary Emergency Brigade 2024 Competition

Asis Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary Emergency Brigade 2024 competition.

Repost from @capacitacionapi

Brigada de emergencias Proyecto Asís, compitió el 10 de Noviembre en el Desafío de Brigadas 2024, La Fortuna. Ésta brigada ha hecho muy buenas presentaciones, quedando clasificados en la segunda ronda, en tercer lugar en todas las participaciones que han disputado.

Proyecto Asís emergency brigade competed on November 10 in the 2024 Brigade Challenge, La Fortuna. This brigade has made very good performances, finishing in the second round, in third place in all the participations they have contested.
hashtag#emergencybrigades hashtag#firstaid hashtag#cpr

Wildlife Tour Costa Rica

Wildlife Tour
1.5 hrs

Wildlife Tour and Volunteer Costa Rica

2.5 hrs

Sloth Sanctuary
1.5 hrs

Full Day Tour La Fortuna Costa Rica Wildlife Sanctuary

Full Day Tour

One Night Homestay Costa Rica

One Night Homestay

Best place to stay near La Fortuna Costa Rica

Stay @ Asis